Joining A Gym

My husband got me a gym membership last week, it is pretty awesome.  We have to drive 30 minutes (he’s getting an amazing deal from his work), so that will probably limit my use quite a bit, but I’m hoping to go 2-3 times a week.  The first time I went, they gave me a tour and I spent my time doing weight machines and a little bit of elliptical and stair stepping.  I was so incredibly sore.  I could feel my ribs, who knew we even had muscles on our ribs?   We went as a family after church yesterday and the kids went swimming in the pool while my husband and I took turns working out.  Too bad the pool closes in a few weeks for fall.  I’m planning on testing their indoor tennis court rules by bringing my kids there in the winter and letting them “pretend” to hit balls and run around.  Maybe I’m giving them too little credit and they’ll be able to play tennis better than me?  They also have a daycare I will probably use and they’ll even take my 7-almost-8 year old.  I’m excited about it.  Hopefully, I can grow back some of the muscles I lost from the pregnancies.

New Goals!
-no eating after 8!
-exercise 5x per week and keep track of it on the calendar
-keep a food journal

Exercising With Kids is Crazy

Working out becomes more challenging with three kids added to the mix.  Since it’s so cold outside I’ve been doing Jillian Michael’s 30 day Shred videos.  They are only 20 minutes long, but it is HARD!

Anyway,  I discovered the kids add an extra challenge.   The energetic music draws them in to the excitement, when I get down for push-ups Prov tries to climb onto my back, when I lay down for sit-ups, she snuggles up close beside me and makes it difficult not to hit her.  I have to keep two extra sets of very light weights for Prov and Cara.  Cara does the jumping jacks and weight exercises next to me, but then she starts swinging the weights and smashes her finger or rolls one onto her toe and I have to pause the video to comfort her.  Yesterday Prov decided to pee on the floor behind me while I was exercising, she  never does this, I wonder if she was jealous of my attention?  They seem to find lots of questions that need to be answered when they see me busy working out.  I also have to be careful not to hit anyone in the head with the hand weights as they stay busy around me.  During my short 20 minute workout, I usually have to hit the pause button three or four times for minor emergencies that need to be handled right away.

I like seeing them jump up and down and their jumping jacks and forward punches are very cute.  Overall, it makes me happy to do something with them that they enjoy.   I’m just hoping for a smoother workout today, maybe only two pauses of the video and no injuries or messes on the floor would be good.


The Plan’ve been exercising to Jillian Michael’s “The Shred” the last few days and am incredibly sore.  It’s making me more sore than running ever did so I’m going to keep doing it.  I also plan on printing off  Ann Voskamp’s Sanity Manifesto  (pictured above) and framing it on my kitchen wall to help organize the days.  I love her advice of starting the day in the word, working out, and making a plan.  If I could just do that much, I would be so far ahead of where I am now.

It’s been a busy weekend, no house showings, so we got a lot of work done on the new closet and bathroom, I think the closet only needs paint and it’s finished!

The girls are fighting with each other often, I keep separating them but I need to figure out a better solution.  Even the two yr old has figured out how to pull hair….at least she’s not biting 🙂